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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Palms and Peace

Palm Sunday begins a week of remembrance of the pivotal events in Jesus’ walk towards the cross. Here in Uganda we have palm branches in plenty, so we pulled several down from trees in our yard this morning, to take and wave at church during the singing, and they became props during the sermon telling the story of Jesus’ journey. Jesus entered Jerusalem that Sunday morning on the back of a donkey, the posture of a King who comes in peace. The idea of coming in peace really jumped out at me today. As king, as God, He could have come in a posture of war, with horses and chariots, angels and thunder, fire and smoke and judgment. In fact that’s the way I’d like Him to come into this district, with serious force, and immediate results! Instead He came quietly, humbly, rocking on the back of a slow donkey, surrounded by excited children. This evening we gathered again for team worship, and a Tim Keller sermon (Redeemer in NYC) reminded us that love, true sacrificial love, is the only force that defeats evil. So here comes Jesus, to conquer by dying, to win by laying down his life, to make a way of peace, to fulfill the birth announcement of the angels “Peace on earth, good will towards men.”

But the next time He comes as King, He won’t be riding a donkey. The second time He rides into our earth, His coming will be one of judgment and drama, of finality. Tim Keller’s sermon also reaffirmed that the line between good and evil runs through every human heart—there are no wholly “bad guys” that deserve judgment while we “good guys” ride off to glory, all of us depend upon the faithfulness of the sacrificed King.

The donkey-riding King who offers peace will one day return at the head of His army to finish the war, and who can stand the day of His coming?

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